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Please find below the latest job vacancies at the IAEA. Should you know of potential candidates, please do not hesitate to share these vacancies with them. We particularly encourage women to apply. The full listing of open vacancies, as well as procedures for applying are available at http://www.iaea.org/About/Jobs.

Offices reporting to the Director General

2011/007        Director, Office of Internal Oversight Services (D-1)
        Closing: 2011-03-20
2011/019         Legal Officer (P-4)
        Closing: 2011-03-24

Department of Management

2011/009        Director, Division of Public Information (D-1)
        Closing: 2011-03-20

2011/012        Editor, Publishing Section (P-3)
        Closing: 2011-03-17

Department of Nuclear Sciences and Applications

2011/013        Laboratory Head, Terrestrial Environment Laboratory (P-5)
        Closing: 2011-03-17
2011/015         Nuclear Medicine Physician (P-4)
        Closing: 2011-03-24
2011/016         Laboratory Head, Radioecology Laboratory (P-5)
        Closing: 2011-03-31

Department of Safeguards

2011/020        Construction Quality Assurance Specialist (P-3)
        Closing: 2011-03-10

2011/022        Integration Engineer (P-3)
        Closing: 2011-04-06

Department of Nuclear Energy

2010/087         Section Head, Nuclear Power Technology Development Section 
                (re-opened on 7 February 2011) (P-5)
        Closing: 2011-03-06

2011/004        Uranium Resource Specialist (P-4)
        Closing: 2011-03-07

2011/006        Radioactive Waste Management Specialist, Waste Technology Section (P-4)
        Closing: 2011-03-17

2011/011         Nuclear Power Engineer (P-4)
         Closing: 2011-03-07

2011/018        Training Specialist (Nuclear Power) (P-3)
        Closing: 2011-04-06

Department of Nuclear Safety and Security

2010/093        Section Head, Prevention Section (re-opened on 24 February 2011) (P-5)
        Closing: 2011-03-23

2011/008        Senior Standards Specialist (P-5)
        Closing: 2011-03-07

2011/017        Senior Nuclear Security Officer (P-5)
        Closing: 2011-03-04


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  7. 현대모비스 직원모집

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  8. 해외 현지 파트너 지사장님을 모십니다

    Date2010.12.02 By차신주 Views2409
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  9. 영국 현지 파트너 지사장님을 모십니다

    Date2010.12.02 By차신주 Views2059
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  10. 프랑스 현지 파트너 지사장님을 모십니다

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  11. 모비스 유럽법인과 함게 성장할 인재를 모십니다.

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  12. IAEA Job Opportunities , 2011

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  13. KOTRA 프랑크푸르트KBC 직원채용(마케팅·조사 및 운전기사) 공고

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  14. 현대 자동차, 독일,프랑스, 영국 채용 설명회 개최

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  15. 주영 한국문화원, 전시업무를 담당할 직원(1명) 모집

    Date2011.02.14 By유로저널 Views2508
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  16. 독일 Bonn 소재 유엔기구 채용정보

    Date2011.02.14 By유로저널 Views3206
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  17. 독일 비젼블루에서 직원을 모집합니다.

    Date2011.02.16 By유로저널 Views2769
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  18. 주함부르크총영사관, 전문직 행정원 1명 채용

    Date2011.02.20 By유로저널 Views2414
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  19. 주헝가리대사관 ,행정원 채용 공고 안내

    Date2011.02.20 By유로저널 Views2857
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  20. 독일 INFORTRA GMBH ,직원 모집

    Date2011.02.21 By유로저널 Views2233
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  21. SD GmbH 직원 채용 공고

    Date2011.03.04 By유로저널 Views3096
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  22. IAEA Job Opportunities - March 2011

    Date2011.03.12 Byeknews Views3121
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  23. 유로저널 전 유럽 지역 직원 모집

    Date2011.03.18 Byeknews Views2043
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