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영국 정규직 평균 연봉은 약 35,000파운드로 5.8% 인상되어


2023년 4월 기준, 영국 정규직 평균 연봉은 약 35,000파운드로 전년도에 비해 5.8% 증가했다.

그 증가폭은 직업마다 다르며 여행사 직원의 급여는 21% 인상된 반면 스포츠 코치의 급여는 가장 많이 감소했다.

임금 인상에도 불구하고 대부분의 근로자 임금은 인플레이션(상품 및 서비스 비용이 상승하는 비율)보다 적게 상승했다.

이는 실질 기준으로 정규직 근로자의 임금이 1.9% 하락했다는 것을 의미하며, 이는 지속적인 생활비 압박을 의미한다.

2023년 4월 기준 영국의 주요 직업에 대한 평균 임금


* Receptionists                £21,692

* Sales & retail assistants   £21,530

* Hairdressers & barbers    £19,589

* Launderers, dry cleaners & pressers £19,612

* Housekeepers & related occupations  £22,964

* Waiters & waitresses                        £18,426

* Cooks                                £21,777

* Chefs                                  £26,000

* Catering & bar managers       £25,901

* Kitchen & catering assistants  £20,126

* Cleaners & domestics            £21,058

* Restaurant & catering establishment managers 

   & proprietors                                      £30,717

* Textile process operatives      £27,113

* Care workers & home carers  £23,409

* Groundworkers                    £35,212

* Delivery drivers & couriers     £25,209

* Road transport drivers          £27,393

* Bus & coach drivers             £31,038

* Large goods vehicle drivers   £37,256

* Refuse & salvage occupations  £23,768

* Medical secretaries               £24,792

* School secretaries                £22,547

* Teaching assistants              £19,033

* Nursing auxiliaries & assistants  £25,129

* Early education & childcare practitioners £20,340

* Early education & childcare assistants     £21,308

* Educational support assistants               £19,343

* Education advisers & school inspectors   £37,486

* Bank & post office clerks £24,734

* Finance officers £27,852

* Sales supervisors - retail & wholesale     £24,751

* Sales accounts & business development managers £52,495

* Management consultants & business analysts   £48,002

* Photographers, 

  AV & broadcasting equipment operators   £29,047

* Travel agents                  £29,618

* Housing officers £31,379

* Plumbers & heating & ventilating installers 

  & repairers                                           £35,248

* Project support officers £31,988

* Leisure & sports managers   £33,134

* Publicans & managers of licensed premises £33,477

* Programmers & software development professionals £49,430

* Office managers  £35,000

* Chartered architectural technologists, 

   planning officers & consultants   £36,600

* Fire service officers (watch manager & below) £39,477

* Health & safety managers & officers £40,879

* Chartered surveyors                        £41,555

* Primary education teaching professionals (inc teacher) £40,059

* Secondary education teaching professionals (inc teacher)  £42,818

* Head teachers & principals £66,014

* Further education teaching professionals   

   (inc FE teacher)                                £40,738

* National government administrative occupations 

   (inc civil servants)                                    £28,124

* Public services associate professionals

   (inc civil servants)                                    £38,016

* Local government administrative occupations £27,305

* Business, research & administrative professionals

   (inc civil servants)                                    £52,241

* Chief executives & senior officials 

   (inc civil servants)                                    £84,131

* Police officers (sergeant & below)               £44,830

* Community nurses                                    £38,129

* Nurse practitioners                                   £41,523

* Midwifery nurses                                      £41,423

* Specialist nurses                                      £42,136

* Solicitors & lawyers                                  £52,296

* Legal secretaries                                       £23,999

* Generalist medical practitioners 

   (inc junior doctor, GP)                              £41,296

* Financial accounts managers                      £41,622

* Chartered & certified accountants                £46,847

* Financial & accounting technicians              £47,728

* Sales accounts & business development managers £52,495

* Newspaper & periodical editors                   £40,371

* Newspaper & periodical journalists & reporters  £40,762

* Chemical & related process operatives              £29,973

* Tyre, exhaust & windscreen fitters                     £28,813

* Metal making & treating process operatives       £30,407 

* Vehicle technicians, mechanics & electricians     £31,959

* Assemblers (vehicles & metal goods)              £33,334

* Metal working machine operatives                  £30,685

* Electrical engineers                                       £53,488

* IT project managers                                       £51,933

* Production managers & directors in manufacturing £51,469

* Functional managers & directors                    £69,933

* Public relations & communications directors    £79,886

영국 유로저널 한해인 기자





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