

by eknews posted Jun 01, 2008


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ㅇ Department of Agriculture and Food(농업부) : http://www.gov.ie/daff

ㅇ Department of Community, Rural and Gaeltacht Affairs(공동체.Gaeltacht부) : http://www.ealga.ie

ㅇ Central Statistics Office(통계청) : http://www.cso.ie

ㅇ Department of Education and Science(교육.과학부) : http://www.education.ie

ㅇ Department of Enterprise, Trade and Employment(기업.통상.고용부) : http://www.entemp.ie

ㅇ Department of the Environment and Local Government(환경부) : http://www.environ.ie

ㅇ Department of Finance(재무부) : http://www.gov.ie/finance

ㅇ Department of Foreign Affairs(외무부) : http://www.gov.ie/iveagh

ㅇ Department of Health and Children (보건부) : http://www.doh.ie

ㅇ Department of Justice, Equality and Law Reform(법무부) : http://www.justice.ie

ㅇ Department of Communications and Natural Resources(통신.천연자원부) : http://www.marine.gov.ie

ㅇ Department of Transport(교통부) : http://www.dpe.ie

ㅇ Department of Social and Family Affairs(사회.가정부) : http://www.welfare.ie

ㅇ Department of Arts, Sport and Tourism(예술.체육.관광부) : http://www.gov.ie/tourism-sport

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